Helsinki Day at the City Museum
On Helsinki Day on Sunday 12 June, the City Museum lobby will serve as a venue for a discussion about mental health.
Lecturers and topics:
14.00 Jutta Ahlbeck “Häkistä mielisairaalaan, riivatusta potilaaksi. Suomen mielenterveyshoidon historiaa” (From the cage to the mental hospital, from the possessed to the patient. History of Finnish mental health care)
15.00 Martin Andersson ”Nikkilän sairaalan pimeä historia” (The dark history of the Nikkilä hospital)
16.00 Jukka Cadogan ”Mielisairaaloiden potilastaiteesta sekä taiteen psykopatologiasta ennen ja jälkeen Toisen maailmansodan” (On patient art at mental hospitals and the psychopathology of art before and after the Second World War)
Visitors have the opportunity to participate in the ‘Mielen sisäinen maailma’ (internal world of the mind) collage workshops as part of the ‘Broken – A Shattered Mind’ exhibition during the event at 14.00–17.00. The workshops offer participants a moment to focus on themselves and make their current internal landscape visible. The workshops are steered by artists Emilia Musturi and Iina Silventoinen.
Photo: Iina Silventoinen