Start of the Advent season
Sofiankatu 4 & Hakasalmi Villa
The Christmas season of the City Museum is traditionally opened on the first Advent Sunday. Sofiankatu 4 will have activities for the entire family: the Christmas lights will be lit and the Star boys and Santa Claus will pay a visit, and we will sing, play, make arts and crafts, and enjoy the delicious Christmas buffet.
Hakasalmi Villa features varied Christmas music. At 12 noon, jazz singer Shirley Sparks will perform with jazz pianist Aleksis Liukko in the Vintage Christmas concert. At 1 p.m., the Star boys of the Hämäläis-Osakunnan Laulajat choir will pay a visit to the villa. At 2 p.m., enjoy a Christmas matinee by the Pohjalaisten Osakuntien Laulajat choir.